Preferred Providers

Preferred Providers

One of our guiding values is supporting neighborhood resources and businesses and connecting them with the residents who benefit from them. We maintain a Preferred Provider directory of businesses that share our mission of supporting residents who want to stay independent in the homes and neighborhoods they love.

STL Village screens and qualifies businesses that would like to become part of our Preferred Provider network. We will take into consideration businesses that offer our members a discount.

The types of businesses that are appropriate for our directory include:

  • Home maintenance and remodeling (including adaptive remodeling)
  • Lawn care and landscape
  • Computer repair
  • Legal services
  • Pet grooming/services

STL Village members can access our directory and then choose and contact our Preferred Providers directly.

If your business is interested in becoming an STL Village Preferred Provider, please contact our office at (314) 240-5020 or by email at [email protected].